It’s time to say goodbye to 2020. I don’t think we’re going to miss him. He’s been like an axe blow in our lives, a scar that will never go away. So decisive, that in the future I imagine it will become a reference to divide the time of our memories, what happened before or after the pandemic.
Gone are those months of perishing that took away lives, economies, illusions, dreams and some fantasies… But I am a very positive person and confinement gave way to reflection, to the search for the true values of life, and in this sense, the virus has left us with a few lessons. We have learned to recognize the importance of being alive and the meaning of fighting to achieve our dreams. Something so simple, but that the frenetic pace of modern society often makes us forget.
Esta es una de las lecciones más importantes que nos deja la pandemia, que la vida es efímera y que hay exprimirla todo lo que se pueda, que es un regalo que debemos aprovechar al máximo, que estar aquí y ahora, en este mundo tan bonito, merece mucho la pena. Que lo importante no es acumular cosas materiales, que lo que realmente merece la pena es atesorar experiencias, cumplir los sueños, algo que ya estaba escrito en las señas de identidad de PhotoTravel desde sus comienzos; “No lo sueñes, vívelo…”
It has also been a difficult year for us, this sector has been one of the hardest hit. But we have also learned a beautiful lesson: that together with the PhotoTravellers we form a great family, and that your support and patience has made it possible for this dream to continue. I have nothing but words of gratitude for each of you. Thank you for your understanding in the most difficult moments, thank you for trusting us, thank you for having made it possible for us to continue working in these difficult times, thank you for having pushed us to move forward.
Taking stock of these twelve months, we can be very pleased. We have completed a total of 7 photographic trips in which we have opted, in many cases, for a model close to the expedition, stopping in remote areas hidden from tourism, thanks, in large part, to the headquarters that PhotoTravel has in the countries in which we work, teaming up with the best local guides, which undoubtedly represents a guarantee of quality and good service.
“All of this has allowed us to offer a product that few agencies in the world have and which has made PhotoTravel a leader in the sector for yet another year, establishing us once again as the best Spanish Agency specialising in Photographic Travel.”
- In January, we began the 2020 adventure with an unprecedented trip to the Northeast of India, to the Nagaland area, where we were able to photograph the last Head Hunters and the Apatani women of Arunachal Pradesh.
- February, we complete another edition (and now seven) of our already classic and exciting Myanmar Trip, where we visit corners of the country still untouched by tourism.
- Once again we returned to the Land of Ice in Iceland. A classic of world photography.
- In March, our last trip before the pandemic began was to South Sudan, one of the least visited countries due to the complexity of its logistics, which makes it accessible to very few agencies in the world. A whole expedition that we have counted on the collaboration of the same team that worked with Jimmy Nelson to carry out. Contact with the Mundari made it become an adventure of a higher level, both on a human and photographic level.
Following the pandemic, we have had to adapt our travel model to one closer to Responsible and Healthy Tourism, prioritizing both the safety of the places we visit and our clients, establishing the capsule group model.
- In October, thanks to your unconditional support, we have opened a new photographic route to the most unknown part of Tanzania, combining the classic photographic safari with remote areas where ethnic and tribal photography can be carried out.
- November, Benin was our next destination, a place we have visited on other occasions but which continues to impress us with its cultural richness. Our knowledge of the place and the efficient team of professionals who collaborate with us from the country, has made it possible for us to we live together with the different ethnic groups, setting up camps near their villages. Unspeakable.
- And finally, in December, the fascinating Ethiopia. We visited the tribes on both sides of the Omo River, here too we opted to live with the ethnic groups, sleeping in improvised camps near their settlements, a model that very few agencies dare to carry out and that was made possible thanks to the team of professionals who support us, the same ones who have worked with Steve McCurry.
To say goodbye, I would like to invite you to visit my personal website,, where I exhibit some of my photographic work and soon this initiative will merge with the publication of thematic PhotoBooks.
!!Projects like these are what have made it possible for me to be invited to be among the best photographers in the world at the Paris exhibition at ATLASOFHUMANITY, or to be interviewed for TVE on the Camara 2.0 program. And that’s because… ANOTHER WAY OF TRAVELLING IS POSSIBLE…!!!
Happy 2021 to the entire PhotoTravellers family. See you on the road.
And remember, at PhotoTravel don’t dream it… live it!???
PhotoTravel, number one ☝️agency in Photographic Travel ?Leaders in the Sector ????